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Estancia life: Agricultural, economic, and cultural aspects of Argentine farming
Los Escritores frente al poder / Walter Mauro y Elena Clementelli
Epistolario de Juan Ignacio Molina, S.J / Charles E. Ronan, Walter Hanisch
Environmental controls in the Federal Republic of Germany and their implications for the developing countries : study / prepared by Walter Lötz
A economia da América Latina / Walter Krause
Drogas en el Uruguay / Walter Gori Carrara, Milton Gagliardi, Fausto Lancellotti Serra
Diccionario de autores teatrales uruguayos ; &, Breve historia del teatro uruguayo / Walter Rela
Deck and Port, or incidents of a cruise in the United States frigate Congress to California: with sketches of Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, Lima, Honolulu and San Francisco / Rev. Walter Colton
De cara al futuro : Fuerzas Armadas y Constitución / Walter López Reyes
Dal progetto al processo : strumenti per conoscere, sperimentare l’autonomia / Gisella Bozzi, Catia Branduardi, Francesco Cappelli, Walter Moro, Marisa Valagussa