De Cézanne a Miró : una exposición organizada bajo los auspicios del International Council of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Museo de Bell
Carte nautiche da musei e biblioteche della Liguria dal XIV al XVII secolo Nautical charts from Ligurian museums and libraries from the 14th to the 17th century : Italy on stage
Artistas latinoamericanos del siglo XX / exposición organizada por Waldo Rasmussen ; ensayo de Edward J. Sullivan = Latin American artists of the twentieth century / exhibition organized by Waldo Rasmussen ; essay by Edward J. Sullivan
Art of Oceania, Africa, and the Americas : from the Museum of Primitive Art; an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, May 10-August 17, 1969
Archaeological investigations in El Salvador / by John M. Longyear, III, with an appendix by Stanley H. Boggs