Substitutionselastizitäten zwischen Kapital und Arbeit in einzelnen Industriesektoren : Zeitreihenanalyse für den Fall Kolumiens / Horst Keppler
The role of services in the economy and external trade of ACP countries / von Horst Keppler, Horst Mund, Ewold Seeba
Internationale Interdependenzen im weltwirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsprozess / von Helmut Hesse, Horst Keppler, Heinz Gert Preusse
Export restrictions, the new threat to international trade relations : a partial and a general equilibrium model for measuring their effects / Horst Keppler
The effects of commodity export taxes on world market prices and LDC’s export receipts : an analysis of products for which Latin American countries count as important suppliers on the world market / by Horst Keppler ; English translation by Phillis Johnso