Yo declaro con franqueza Chashnami causashcanchic : memoria oral de Pesillo, Cayambe / José Yáñez del Pozo
Ymallayqui jaicallaqui = : Mil adivinanzas Quechuas : edición bilingüe, Quechua-Español / José Respaldiza Rojas
A voyage of discovery to the Strait of Magellan : with an account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants and of the natural productions of Patagonia undertaken, by order of the King of Spain, by A. de Cordova. Translated from the Spanish
Violencia estructural en el Perú : economía / Máximo Vega-Centeno ; con la colaboración de Cecilia Vega-centeno, Narda Sotomayor, José Tavera C.