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Zapata y la revolución mexicana / John Womack Jr
A Voyage round the world, in His Majesty’s ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Honourable Commodore Byron : in which is contained, a faithful account of several places, people, plants, animals, &c. seen on the voyage: and, among other particulars, a minute
Viaje a Yucatán / John Lloyd Stephens ; edición de Juan Luis Bonor
Venezuela: From doctrine to dialogue / [by] John Friedmann ; preface by Bertram M. Gross
Urban guerrilla warfare in Latin America / [Edited by] James Kohl and John Litt
Trente ans de captivité : chez les Indiens Ojibwa / récit de John Tanner ; recueilli par Edwin James ; présentation, traduction, bibliographie et analyse ethnohistorique, Pierrette Désy
Teatro moderno : Edición aumentada de Forma e idea del teatro moderno / [Tr. por Andrés M. Mateo]
Sur : estudio de la revista literaria argentina y de su papel en el desarrollo de una cultura, 1931-1970 / John King ; traducción de Juan José Utrilla Sur. Spanish
Suono e silenzio : progetti di musica creativa per la scuola / John Paynter, Peter Aston ; traduzione di Adriana Rocco ; introduzione di Giovanni Piazza
Sudamérica por dentro / John Gunther