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Modernity and public policies in the context of the peasant sector : Honduras as a case study
Las mentalidades dominantes en Montevideo, 1850-1900
Los Mayas / Piero Ventura & Gian Paolo Ceserani
Materials for the study of politics and government in the Dominican Republic, 1930-1966 / Compiled, annotated and with an introd., by Howard J. Wiarda Politica y gobierno en la Republica Dominicana, 1930-1966
Materials for the study of politics and government in the Dominican Republic, 1930-1966 / Compiled, annotated and with an introd., by Howard J. Wiarda Politica y gobierno en la Republica Dominicana, 1930-1966
Marcos il signore degli specchi / Manuel Vásquez Montalbán Marcos : el señor de los espejos
Marcos: “Aquí estamos” / di Gianni Minà, con Manuel Vásquez Montalbán
Manual de derecho internacional público, privado, humanitario / Antolín Díaz Martínez
Malicious contamination in foods : symposium organised at Campden Food and Drink Research Association on 6th-7th September 1989 / Chairman: Owen Nankivell ; Symposium organisers: A. Cavalier and D. Rose
Magdalena peruana y otros cuentos / Alfredo Bryce Echenique