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Em memória de Stradelli : Biographia. Jornadas geographicas. Tradiçoes. Depoimentos. Bibliographia de Stradelli / (Mandado editar pelo Governo do Estado do Amazonas)
Elsevier’s eletrotechnical dictionary : in six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German / Compiled and arr. on an English alphabetical base by W. E. Clason
Elsevier’s Dictionary of television and video recording : in six languages, English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and German / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetic basis by W. E. Clason Elsevier’s dictionary of television, radar and
Elsevier’s dictionary of nuclear science and technology / In six languages, English/American-French-Spanish-Italian, Dutch and German
Elsevier’s dictionary of library science, information, and documentation : in six languages : English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and German / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical basis by W. E. Clason ; with Arabic supplement b
Elsevier’s Dictionary of electronics and zave guides / W. E. Clason
Elsevier’s dictionary of cinema, sound, and music, in six languages: English/American, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and German / Compiled and arr. on an English alphabetical base by W. E. Clason
Elsevier’s dictionary of chemical engineering : In six languages. English/American-French-Spanish-Italian-Dutch-German / Compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical basis by W. E. Clason
Elsevier’s dictionary of automatic control, in four languages : English/American, French, German, and Russian / Compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical base by W.E. Clason
Elsevier’s dictionary of amplification, modulation, reception and transmission in six languages / compiled and arranged on an English alphabetical base by W.E. Clason