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Stato, potere e spazio nei paesi del Terzo Mondo / Claude Bataillon ; a cura di Lidia Vigagnoni ; introduzione di Pasquale Coppola

Database Error; SQL: SELECT DISTINCT *, `t`.`term_id` AS `pod_item_id` FROM `wp_terms` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wp_term_taxonomy` AS `tt` ON `tt`.`term_id` = `t`.`term_id` LEFT JOIN `wp_term_relationships` AS `tr` ON `tr`.`term_taxonomy_id` = `tt`.`term_taxonomy_id` WHERE ( ( `t`.`term_id` = 105855 ) AND ( `tt`.`taxonomy` = 'document_type' ) AND ( `tt`.`taxonomy` = 'document_type' ) ) ORDER BY `t`.`name`, `t`.`term_id`; Response: Server shutdown in progress