Andean roots and tubers : ahipa, arracacha, maca and yacon / M. Hermann and J. Heller editors
Livello bibliografico: | Monografia |
Autore: | International Plant Genetic Resources Institute [IPGRI] |
Titolo: | Andean roots and tubers : ahipa, arracacha, maca and yacon / M. Hermann and J. Heller editors |
Pubblicazione: | c1997 IPGRI |
Descrizione fisica: | 256 p. : ill. ; 24 cm |
ISBDISBN-ISSN: | 9290433515 |
Collana: | Promoting the conservation and use of underutilized and neglected crops |
Nomi: | International Plant Genetic Resources Institute [IPGRI] |
Collocazione: | 5.C.546 |